The Bird Goes 'Round'

The Bird Goes 'Round: Snowgale 2

<p>-- Press Release --</p><p><strong>Spotted, The rare snowgale in the Australian high country</strong></p><p>After years of searching for his white whale, intrepid explorer Matthew Sander has taken the first photos of the rare Snow Nightingale. Rumoured to be extinct, the snow nightingale has not been seen for over 25 years.</p><p>Matthew Sander began his search to be the first to photograph the rarer cousin to the more common nightingale 4 years ago and until now has been unsuccessful. However, good early season snow falls in Australia's Snowy Mountains drove the nightingale from its winter hollow and allowed Matthew to capture it in all its natural glory.</p><p>Please find attached his valuable photos,</p><p>Cheers,<br/>The office of Snowgaleology</p>

-- Press Release --

Spotted, The rare snowgale in the Australian high country

After years of searching for his white whale, intrepid explorer Matthew Sander has taken the first photos of the rare Snow Nightingale. Rumoured to be extinct, the snow nightingale has not been seen for over 25 years.

Matthew Sander began his search to be the first to photograph the rarer cousin to the more common nightingale 4 years ago and until now has been unsuccessful. However, good early season snow falls in Australia's Snowy Mountains drove the nightingale from its winter hollow and allowed Matthew to capture it in all its natural glory.

Please find attached his valuable photos,

The office of Snowgaleology
