Middle of Nowhere Productions

Final Godzilla

Act 4: Godzilla vs Luigi Mario from Mario Bros

Scene 1: Copenhagen, near the site of the stolen Norwegian Crown Jewels

Scene 1 in italics: Every creature from every sci fi movie ever except the ones previously mentioned are standing on a hill.


Predator (to the Blob): Well this is an anticlimax.


Blob: Did you see Matrix Revolutions?


The Giant Lobster from Godzilla vs the Giant Lobster: I thought it was quite good, just like Breakdance 2: Electric Bugaloo.


At that moment, Godzilla puts on his oversized novelty clown shoes, with extra bells and stomps on all the creatures standing on the hill. He then looks up to see Luigi Mario in the distance.


Luigi Mario (Yelling through megaphone): You, me and a showdown. Just like MC Hammer before us, we knew it would come to this.


Showdown: Hey leave me out this I had nothing to do with this. Come on MC, we’re not wanted…


MC Hammer looks distraught.


Showdown: Cheer up MC. Come on I’ll buy you some new Parachute Pants and you’ll feel all better.


At that moment Luigi Mario turns around and picks up the largest mushroom the world has ever seen. Rumours state that it was almost as big as the largest cauliflower the world had ever seen, and we are all quite aware what size that was.


MC Hammer: Yo, thanks for the Parachute Pants, I am one with groove once more. Can’t touch this!


Luigi: Don’t leave the horse running.


Godzilla: Oh thanks for that.


Godzilla reaches down and turns off his horse.


Godzilla: That will save me a lot of money in energy bills. About one Electrical Bugaloo worth.


Luigi: That’s good to hear. Once I left my Horse running for a week and it cost me one arm and one leg, as well as a kidney. I really should get a real power company rather than buying my electricity from the Mafia.


Charlie Chaplin: Hey Godzilla, I’m next.


Godzilla: Wait your turn. I have seen into the future, and after I am turned into a coin, unminted into an elk, reminted into a coin and unminted back into Godzilla, speaking about myself in the third person, we can fight over the horizon. While you are waiting however there is a long corridor with many doors, entertain yourself.


Charlie Chaplin runs down the corridor, opening doors and hitting things with his cane.


Luigi: The time has come. It is low noon, time for a showdown.


Godzilla: Yes, for everything that has a beginning has an end….


Blob (back from the death that is squashing and various salesmen): Not that again!


Ulysses S Grant: Why I am here… Shouldn’t I be filibustering somewhere…


Fred McMurry: Well… so how about that fighting?


Considering Godzilla gave away the rest of the plot in his prediction of the future, at this moment the Hollywood Producers pulled out all their money. Production on the film is stopped, after running $4 billion over budget. Movie goers everywhere left the cinemas dazed blinking into the sun…


Movie Goer #3: That film confused me no end. I feel that I need to go into a spiral of self abuse; now where is my razor blade…


At that moment Charlie Chaplin appears over the horizon chased by Godzilla. Godzilla is in Black and White, simultaneously chased by three policemen wielding batons (in super fast forward) and of course, Roland the Wonder Llama.


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