Paper that is already printed on one side generally looks pretty cheap.
What is it?! Try to make images have a point. Captions can't make up for blackness! This was taken in a tunnel... Where... Who knows! Alright, if you really want to know, it was somewhere between Mascot and Green Square.
No hands! The Nightingale is a flightless bird, therefore, sometimes it needs a hand (literally) to get to the right spot for the photo. Just try to keep your hands out of the photo while you are helping the bird out.
Don't hurt yourself! As seen in the BGR official photo "The Waterwheel", Nightingaling can be dangerous! Getting a photo is not worth breaking yourself!
Don't annoy people! If you are driving people crazy, put the bird away! It will forgive you!
All stations to Nightingale, followed by Meep!