
Episode 10 (Episode 9 part II) - How the mighty are really Bruce Wayne

Scene 1

Ninjo: Nooo, my best friend dead?

(Philby's ghost rises away from his body he begins to ascend towards the light. The ghost suddenly stops and returns to the body lying on the ground. Philby reawakens)

Philby: Whoa!

Ninjo: What happened? I thought you'd died.

Philby: I can't die.

Ninjo: Why not?

Philby: Because I'm a hat.

(Ninjo realises for the first time in the series that his friend is a hat)

Ninjo (Now talking to a hat): What's it like?

Philby: Death?

Ninjo: No being a hat.

Philby: I'm not a hat!

Ninjo: Then what are you?

Philby: I'm Harold Holt!

(Philby is suddenly transformed into Harold Holt)

Ninjo: AHHH!

(Philby enters the room eating a giant Marlin whole)

Philby: What's going on?

Ninjo: I thought you were dead!

Philby: No I just went fishing. What's Harold Holt doing here?

Harold Holt: Whittling

(Harold Holt stops whittling and flies out the window on a giant albatross)

Philby: Look, he whittled us a sailing ship.

Ninjo: How nice of him!

Scene 2

(Ninjo and Philby are walking down the street)

Philby: So you don't believe objects have a true essence?

Ninjo: Of course they do. A house is at it's true essence, merely a collection of bricks, wood, wires and such. But that is not important. What is important are the cultural attachments that make it a house. A house is not a house because it is a collection of bricks and such. A house is a house because cultural signifiers attach meaning to the collection of bricks which thus makes it a house.

Philby: All well and good when discussing a house. But what about discussing people. That means we have no soul, no true essence.

Ninjo: That's right, the self is merely the creation of external cultural forces which shape the biological mass that is a person into a functioning member of society.

Philby: So how do you explain that?

(Philby points to the sky where Emperor Nero and Harold Holt are riding a magic carpet while Zeus sits in the back throwing lighting bolts to the ground)

Ninjo: You have much to learn about post-modernism my friend.

Scene 3

(In a hot air balloon over London)

Philby: What are we doing here?

Ninjo: Maintaining continuity through out the series.

Philby: I don't understand.

Ninjo: You will in the next episode.

Philby: I sure do hope so…

To be continued…