
Episode 2: The Returning Flail

Moses comes down from the mountain holding two clay tablets.

Moses: God spoke unto me and he handed down these ten commandments. Commandment 1: Thou shalt not have a clutch.

Peasant 1: Of chickens?

Opening Credits

Writer: I need a girlfriend.

Ninjo: What happened to your last one? She was a russian mail order bride?

Writer: She took one look at me and married the doorman. Luckily there was a doorman there, otherwise she would have married the door.

Ninjo’s Bohemian Girlfriend Waterfall: I am sure there are plenty of blind girls out there, I used to be, but then I got better.

Writer: Yeah, I tried to join a blind dating club, don’t tell me they can’t see.

Ninjo: Maybe it’s the fact that you have three arms.

For the first time in the series the camera reveals that Philby has three arms.

Writer: Pass me that chainsaw.

The writer walks into the bathroom. A chainsaw noise is heard.

Ninjo to Waterfall: Think you could fix up any of your friends with Philby?

Waterfall: Don’t know, it might be hard…

Philby walks back out, he has sawed off his left arm, but left both his right.

Writer: What are you two talking about?

Scene Two

Philby, Ninjo, Waterfall and Waterfall’s best friend, Philby’s date, are sitting in a fine restaurant.

Philby to Waterfall’s friend: You look nice.

Waterfall’s friend throws her wine into Philby’s face and storms out.

Al Capone: Were was she off to all of a sudden?

Philby: You know what they say, time of the moose and all.

Suddenly Al Capone explodes, and arms and legs go everywhere, and everyone is coated in blood.

Philby: And this was a new suit!

Ninjo: Come on, sure it was an Armani, but did it really need the parachute pants?

Philby: I suppose it wasn't that great a loss.

Waterfall: So…. communing with nature. That's what I do

Al Capone’s Severed Head Lying on the ground in a pool of blood: Shut up doll face.

Chickens run across the scene, and the last one is struck by lightning.

The End