
Episode 3 - "Clutching, but not in a blasphemous way"


[Two people are sitting at a table]

Person 1: I'm beginning to question my faith

[A 16 tonne weight falls on the table]


Scene 1

Ninjo: Moo moo moo moo

Writer: Looks like you have the case of the disgruntled cow

Ninjo: Yessir!

Scene 2

Writer: You know, that's getting quite annoying

Ninjo: Want me to stop?

Writer: Please.

Ninjo: OK. (Stops)

Writer: You mean you controlled the disease?

Ninjo: No. My inner cow and me made a pact.

Writer: OK (goes about business)

Ninjo: My end of the deal is to kill you.

Writer: What? In the face?

Ninjo: In every face.

Scene 3

Writer: Well this is cliched.

[Writer is tied up on a pole with a pyre below him]

Writer: You know… you could have use you mad-as Ninja powers and moves and stuff.

[Ninjo looks confused, kneels down and cries]

Ninjo: Moo… I failed…moooooo!…

Writer: That's OK. At least you realised your wrongs.

Ninjo: Cow! I failed you! I couldn't even kill my best friend!

Writer: Well I suppose that changes much

Harold Holt: I'm glad I disappeared into water, not cow.

Scene 4

[back at their pad]

Writer: I think we've learned a lot today.

[no answer]

Writer: Like don't kill people cause a cow told you-

Ninjo: SILENCE, FOOL! IF you knew HALF of what the cow is able to philosophise and understand, you would be ruler of the universe combined!

[Writer looks scared]

Writer: You know…I think I might actually write something now.


[Sudden cut to black]

The End.
Alex (Snaykeemcgee).