
Episode 6 - “What you will.”


Nidhog: You will answer to me!

King of the Dead: Mwahaha

Hades: Oi! Hands off, he’s mine!

Grim Reaper: Excuse me, but my scythe is by far a swifter means of death than yours.

Devil: HEY! I have horns!

Grim Reaper: I’m a walking dead skeleton! I’m by far cooler.

Man on deathbed: You gonna finish this off or what?

All death figures look at him.


Scene 1

Ninjo: So. I guess I should show a scene where I’m actually at Ninja school.

Philby: And me writing something.

Ninjo: Well…everyone KNOWS that doesn’t happen.

Philby: Oi!

Ninjo: Where as I am a Ninja. A Spanish-French Ninja. My school is quite the experience!

Philby: Why do you like school so much, nerd-boy?

Ninjo: Quit ruining my monologue!

[Godzilla trundles past their apartment window].

Ninjo: It’s time to move out of this stereotypical bachelors pad and move to the country.

Philby: Which country?

Ninjo: Mars!

Scene 2

Ninjo: Hey! Look at me! I’ve hijacked a spaceship!

Philby: You know, they haven’t actually built a colony on Mars as yet. Nor, for that matter, have they sent anyone to Mars.

Ninjo: You know, you COULD have told me this before we took off. And what about that Armstrong guy?

Philby: No…that was the moon. Of Jupiter. Io.

Scene 3

They die

The End