
Episode 7


The Disciples are break dancing at a club. Music is to the tune of James Brown’s “Sex Machine.” (no lyrics yet - this is done only a bit later)

Bartholomew (in the distance): Bust that wicked move, Judas!

Peter: Break it down!

Camera goes slowly across room

Lyrics: Get up
Get on up.
Get up
Get on up.
Get on the scene
(Get on up)
Like a Snake Machine
(Get on up)

Camera finishes panning room until it stops at the snake machine, which vends snakes.

Scene 1 - Still in the club

Ninjo vends a snake from the said machine.

Philby: But you see, the struggle of the modern day poet is more of a physical than metaphorical these days…

Ninjo: uh huh

Philby: Because more people will have the poet beaten out of them during school

Ninjo: uh huh

Philby: And if not then, then why not later at some crummy job

Ninjo: Look out, Ninja’s!

Screams in club - social disorder

Ninjo (thought): Now’s my chance!

[Ninjo gets hit in the head]

Philby: Plus it’s not just the writing of a good poem either. You gotta bust some moves

[sudden distracted fighting from Philby whilst he monologues - beating all the Ninja’s up]

Philby: You gotta earn respect

[another fight]

Philby: You gotta not worry about conjugating the verb, or rhyming - only make it sound good-

[another few moves]

Philby: -as well as fighting your way through it

[Last guy: stabs him with a quill, then pulls it out and uses his blood to write a poem a tablecloth while he uses the guy he killed as a table]

Philby: Yes! I have it!

Scene 2 - At the apartment

Ninjo: what the hell was that?

[Ninjo tends to wounds]

Philby: I don’t know…but I think I’ve finally found my muse! I’m gonna go to your school!

Ninjo: Ummm, first you’re not French OR Spanish. Secondly…you’re already a graduate from there. That’s how you were able to so easily beat up those guys, remember?

Philby: Ahh yes.

[Looks as though he’s thinking of a way to get around it]

Ninjo: And don’t start going around beating people up just for the sake of poetry.

Philby: But Keats did it!

Ninjo: No he didn’t!

Philby: Oh. Very well then. I’ll just…go…outside

Ninjo: Oh, you’re off to do the shopping?


Philby: Yes.

Scene 3 - Philby comes home.

Ninjo [dressed as the film star that said that in movie]: Is that a lot of cranberry sauce on your shirtsleeve or are you just glad to see me?

Philby [dressed as the guy from ‘Gone With The Wind’: Frankly, dear, I don’t give a damn.

Scene 4 - Philby comes home in reality. Does actually have blood on his sleeve.

Ninjo: Well, I’d kick your ass but your abilities probably exceed mine. I think I’ll be transferring somewhere else, though.

Philby: Any thoughts where,
Oh Meloptulous Pear?
For the greatest
of the great
travel far
And yet not so far at all.

Ninjo: Ummmm… I’m considering as far from you as possible. I might try Neptune.


Neptune [god of the sea, etc. etc., with trident and seaweed and all; speech taken from C3PO’s after recovering dismemberments in the Cloud City in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back]: Ninja’s? Here? In the city! Oh no I’ve been shot!

Scar: Hyenas! In the Pride Land! Simba’s down there!

[Neptune skewers Scar]

Scar: Teaches me for having a name after a post-birth physical feature.

Alex (Snaykeemcgee)