Inspired by and based on the Infinite Universe created by Deon, Alex, Ben Thornell and Matt.
This script was written in consultation with the other active members of Middle of Nowhere Productions: Deon, Drew and Alex. Many of their advice and ideas can be found through out this script.
All fictional characters in this script were created by Deon, Alex, Ben Thornell, Drew and Matt; except Meep, who is based on a character created by Cassie Charlton.
For some of the characters I may have altered, intentionally or other wise, their personalities, appearance, life stories, etc from what was originally intended by their creators. In some cases this was done in consultation with the said characters original creator. In other cases I made the decision on my own in the best interests of this script.
Acknowledgements must be given to Alex whose set of three highlighter pens from Austria were the inspiration behind the Infinite Power Source. I must also apologise to Alex for inventing my own ending to his unfinished script, “The Muusu Bandit”, with out consulting him. I hope the ending I have forced onto his script does not prevent him from finishing said script with as much of his original vision intact as possible.
Special acknowledgements to Ben Thornell who contributed greatly to many of the original ideas and history of the Infinite Universe.
Thanks to the members of Camden High School’s 2000 and 2001 year 9 and 10 junior Japanese classes and .other contributors to Deon’s diary. While you could not have known it at the time your ideas provided much of the inspiration and material for this script.
inal thanks to Drew whose tireless work on the new Middle of Nowhere website inspired me to finally finish the Infinite Saga, nearly three years after the previous script was written.