iPhone bills – 52 Pages worth

This was a rather interesting article found on Technorati.

Apparently, bills for iPhone customers are huge. Really huge. Amazingly huge… I think you get the idea. AT&T seem to think that listing every single data connection for your account is necessary. And on an account with unlimited data usage, there are a lot of connections!

The first bill for a writer at Ars Technica (who are clearly representative of normal everyday iPhone users *cough*) recieved a 52 page (double-sided) bill in the mail…

Perhaps this could be a new iPhone application I could create – if AT&T (the official iPhone telco) made the bill data available online, it could be turned into an application which could easily navigate the data using multitouch ;)

Also, what kind of a company creates an four-letter acronym (GPRR) to represent a four-letter acronym (GPRS)!