To figure out my target-audience properly, I’ve decided to find some data on the demographics of iPhone users/potential buyers.
Most of the info I have found is from a single source, the iPhone Buyers Analysis – a rather pretty single page PDF by a US market research group. Given that Apple are holding their own sales data close to their chest, I’ve had to be more creative in my demographics gathering.
Some claims I’ve seen during my Googling include:
- Women will “upgrade” to iPhone (they’re rich and it’s pretty!),
- Approximately 60% of iPhoners are overweight,
- 60% of business users are considering an iPhone,
- 1 in 4 Japanese users want an iPhone – despite 59% of those asked not knowing what it was.
I think this goes on to prove the old Homer Simpson quote: “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.”
But the summary is, if you’re a rich, college-educated, current iPod owner, slightly overweight, in either California or New York and you don’t like your current telco, you are a potential iPhone owner! Yay! That doesn’t help me in the slightest!