Monthly Archives: April 2006


I ate a carrot last night. Man it was good. So crunchy, such a good flavour, so consistent. In fact, it was so good I decided to dedicate a poem to it: ODE TO A CARROT O carrot of gold, Not three months old, I eat you up. I didn’t like this poem. So I [...]

MONStock 97

Well another year another MONStock. After MONStock 98 had to be abandoned due to the inability of MON members other then me to commit to a date we decided to try again with a bigger and greater MONStock 97. Unfortunately Dex (Deon) decided to be anti-social not attend this most wonderous of MON occasions, instead [...]

Man stick insects are cool

Noticed this giant stick insect outside my window the other night and had to take a photo. It was the biggest one I’d ever seen!