Category Archives: DECO1200

iPhone Mockup

I’ve quickly whipped up a little example of what you can do with standards-compliant CSS and XHTML. It’s an iPhone interface mockup. It’s not an iPhone simulator, but I intend to use this in some way to use this for some quick lo-fi evaluation.The iPhone mockup can be seen here: Oh, and on a [...]

Another Update

Sorry for the silence for the last few days, the assignment for DECO1005 has been a pain. I’m grumbling that it took 4 weeks to get the marks from our first assignment – and we ultimately did get it back, the day the next one is due… So loads of fun trying to retrofit comments [...]

The Mobishop Survey

Avast! It’s the Mobishop Survey Questionnaire thing. If you have 5 minutes for a quick survey, your responses are important to me and I value your opinons! Help me get good marks for my assignment by having real data to base my assumptions on. The survey is very shiny and it’s available online for your [...]

New iPods

Crikey! Considering rumours were flying about new iPods, Apple have really surprised this time by almost totally revamping the iPod line (with the exception of the Shuffle which only gets new colours). The new line-up is as follows: iPod Shuffle (1GB) iPod Nano (4GB or 8GB) iPod Classic (80GB or 160GB) iPod Touch (8GB or [...]

Evaluation of Desktop Photo Editors

Since I haven’t visibly done anything for the last week (despite totally re-theming the site, posting assignments for other subjects and fighting off the flu), I’m whacking up a long and rambling post regarding the interfaces of Picasa and iPhoto. Enjoy As part of developing my Mobishop concept, I’ve decided to take a look at [...]

New Blog Theme

I’ve replaced the CSS file for my blog, as my old one had some nasty CSS errors and thus was really awful to modify – and since I’m going to (with permission) to use WordPress as a CMS to run the whole site, editable CSS is really important. The new theme is the Sandbox Essay [...]

Games for the iPhone

More links, this time from the Sydney Morning Herald, who report that 3rd Party developers will eventually gain native access to the iPhone – including EA Games (Need for Speed 700 anyone? Yawn…). When Apple updated the iTunes software used to activate the iPhone, curious hackers who looked under the hood quickly found lines of [...]


For the moment, I’m just going to dub my iPhone Application Mobishop (a portmanteau of Mobile and Photoshop [since that is essentially what it is {and Mobiphoto sounds a bit silly (and I like nesting brackets)}]). I’m kind of skipping ahead a bit by doing my minisite now (since we don’t have any major assignments [...]

My Application Update

Tomorrow I’m giving my first presentation for my iPhone application – which at this time has no name. (Perhaps I can call it “The App with No Name”). I’ve now decided to target general iPhone users – that is, those who aren’t particularly technical minded. They just want a good program that works. More details [...]


Thanks to some more research in Japan, your iPod (and iPhone) can be controlled by clenching your teeth. Perfect for those times where you just don’t want to have your iPod out in public! Never mind the headset laden with infrared sensors. From the article, researcher Kazuhiro Taniguchi says: He says “I just thought it’s [...]