Category Archives: Random

Random uncategorised thoughts.

The Reign of King Farcomb the Magnificent

A play if three parts… Cast: King Farcomb Jeremiah the Adviser (Or Advisor) Marco the Magician Queen Thelmalouisa The Little Known Roger Kirby Experience Thomas of Gorganzola Francais of Almathazua A Random Passing Elk Remix Tribute Band Part 1 – The fall of greatness! King Farcomb: I do exclaim these pantaloons fit excellent. Jeremiah the [...]

What’s in a nickname (redux)

Now for some more self indulgent tripe. On the old website I asked, what exactly is in a nickname? They come from all sorts of influences and are derived from various circumstances (even random is a circumstance). Some people use them, some people don’t. It’s a very intricate system which definitely keeps me up the night [...]

“More smart” should be “smarter”, anyway

Louie the Fly is approximately 588 times the age of an average house fly. This is perhaps strange since he is the mascot of a fly spray. Indeed, it seems Mortein not only fails in killing the bad-guy fly (he has a gangster hat and smokes a cigar!) but gives him some freakishly prolonged life – [...]

Musings on my general apathy towards writing at the moment

I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine. For the purpose of privacy, this friend has asked me to conceal his identity. The conversation I had with Mr A occurred at a local sandwich shop I like to hang out in, not far from where I go to pick up my dry [...]

Happy New Year

2005 has come to a close and 2006 has arrived. It’s a MON NYE Experience! With photos from Sydney Harbour!

The joy of discussions in the middle of the night

If you’ve found this site you may have wondered why some of the content on this site is so warped, bizarre and generally non-sensical. No we don’t use drugs. But we do write alot of our stuff at rather odd hours of the morning. In fact some of our best material was written between 1 [...]

Tis the Season to go Mad

Well, its coming up on that time of the year again – shopping centres are playing carols, fake plastic trees are sprouting from everywhere. Yes, the arrival of that dreaded time: Christmas. Not that Christmas is bad, its a good excuse to see family and have a nice relaxing day with a BBQ or five. [...]


*A long, hearty scream is heard*

Quoteification: P.K. Shaw doesn’t know everything.

I have a day-to-day calendar which has nice little quotes down the bottom. They’re fun, sometimes relevent, sometimes well known – but mostly a good way to procrastinate for, say, 30 seconds. However, throughout the good ol’ calendar there happens to be many many quotes by someone known as P. K. Shaw (see for [...]

The Chore of Blogging

It turns out that blogging is really difficult. Trying to avoid making posts about frivolous things contributes to the difficulty. Trying to think of something relevant to post – not just a one line “I ate a sandwich today” style post – is actually a surprisingly difficult task. News stories seem like a logical place [...]